Brooke Beauchamp wrote:

When I was just entering high school, my parents threw me quite a curve.  We were leaving my comfort zone of Topeka to move to Lawrence.  To say I was terrified is an understatement.  As it turned out, I made more friends than I could have imagined and had the time of my life. I will relate a few memories - but not all.

I remember when Barbara Bennett's mom had us go to the store to buy her a laxative.  We almost died of embarresment.

I remember Charlie Fisher's immaculate 55 red and white Chevy convertible.  I apologize once again for totalling it.

I remember when my yearbook advisor, Robert Dunwell, lost his infant baby daughter.  It was my first taste of grief.

I remember when Millard Denny directed me in my one and only dramatic performance.

I remember the wonderful Red and Black performances.  The precursor of what was to come for women's sports.  I was so impressed when Dede Allen could do a back walk over.

I remember raiding Dede's parents liquior cabinet.  In fact, I regretted it for many days.  I haven't had a drop of dark rum since.

I remember the wonderul house in the country that we took as our own.  We got permissiion, decorated it and had a party.  What I have just said in a sentence could be a blog, story or a whole book.  Too bad it burned down.

I remember Rosie Vann teaching us how to do the mashed potatoes in my family room.

I remember the "come as you are parties" instigated by Jerry Goetch. I don't know to this day why my parents let me out in the middle of the night.

I remember my scufflle (alright fist fight) with Larita Martinez in front of the cafeteria the same day I was announced social chairmain for Y-Teens.

But most sadly, I remember losing Jack Allison.  My second brush with grief.

My days as LHS were the best ever.  I could go on and on - but I won't at this time.  I hope all of us are having a great holiday season and look forward to the September reunion.


Love to all - Brooke